
Fabian Perez brings the ‘LA Latino Flair’ to London

>> from London to Rome

Broadly speaking, art can be described as the expression and imagination of human creativity but it is also a gift that is not available to everyone. 

I would like to focus my attention on one form of art, and that is, painting.

How many of us can paint? I believe that many people can, but how many of us have the gift to produce a good drawing? Probably, just as many. And, how many artists have dedicated their life to painting? Only a few. 

During a recent art exhibition, I had the privilege to meet, here in London where I live, an amazing internationally acclaimed artist. 

His name is Fabian Perez. 

 Fabian is an artist from Buenos Aires. In his painting, he often captures the romantic side and the special highly emotional moments of our world.

He has a studio in Los Angeles where he currently lives with his family. 

Over the years he has explored many different paths in his search for greater self-expression and artistic truth. 

I am very flattered to have been given the opportunity to interview Fabian Perez for Verbum Press.

I will start with the most predictable question. 

What does painting mean to you, Fabian?

Barbara, this is an easy question. Painting is how I express myself. It is my job. A mix of meditation and alchemy.

I would say that your paintings are mainly dark, with not many details. Is there a particular reason for this style choice?

The darkness is to create the maximum contrast, also while hiding information about the environment. I minimise my brushstrokes, I paint the details that I think are necessary and avoid the rest. Many writers need to write a whole book to explain a universal truth, but it takes years of experience and mastery of a subject to be able to explain the same in only a few words.

Yes, I totally agree with you. It is also true that many artists work at night. When do you work best? And, where do you feel most comfortable?

I used to work at night before. Since having a family, I work when my kids go to school, and when they’re back we can all spend the rest of the day together.

You had a difficult childhood and went through many difficult times but, at one point your life has changed positively. When did you actually realise that your work started to be more appreciated and your paintings more popular?

I can’t remember the exact day but a few years ago I figured that energy travels. Then I considered the amount of energy and intention that I put in my paintings and I realised that I was creating something unstoppable.

This is my last question and maybe the most difficult. 

What is your advice to someone who has an artistic talent but does not have the opportunity to study?

There are so many talented painters around, and to become different and unique,  is not easy. I think it is really  important that you keep your focus clear, find your inner voice, keep your discipline and confidence. Karma will take care of the rest!

*Barbara Panetta, scrittrice